Monday, August 27, 2007

How To Live Alone And Love It

Do you live alone? Would you like to know how to make your life happier, more fulfilled, and more purposeful?

People who live alone are often challenged to develop a positive attitude and find those activities, friends, and goals that make their lives meaningful. However, with a shift in attitude, they can find themselves attracting people and events into their lives that they have always wanted.

Some people often feel that they are destined to have lives that are less that satisfying. Many stoically carry their burdens and their unrealized hopes in their hearts, never speaking up or stepping forward to seize the opportunities that are waiting for them. This consciousness does not just happen to those who are can happen to anyone. But when we are alone, we are more vulnerable. It becomes even more important that we look after our best interests.

It is true that there are many circumstances that are beyond our control. However, those circumstances do not have to stop us from discovering the plans, dreams, and ambitions that are meant to be ours.

Here are some ideas and actions that you can implement to give yourself a richer life. Some of these ideas can be acted upon immediately, and some can be a work in progress:

1. Ask yourself everyday, What do I want?

Set some simple goals for just one thing that you want. Make a list of the actions it will take to achieve that goal.

2.Explore your passions.

What do you LOVE to do? What gives you energy, makes you smile to think about, or seems like a dream that could never come true? What did you always want to do but never got around to doing? What would it take for you to move closer to doing one of your passions or finding one of your forgotten dreams?

3.If you had worlds of money and time, what would you do?

Make a list. These are some of the things you need to start doing now.

4.Watch your thoughtsthey lead to your actions.

If you notice your thoughts are negative, replace them with ones that make you feel good. Spend 20 minutes every day thinking of things that make you happy,--places you want to visit, people you want to be with, objects you would like to own. Picture yourself there. FEEL it.

5.Keep your mood and thoughts in a positive place.

Read books that inspire, watch TV that makes you laugh or gives you hope, and be around people that feed your spirit. Weed the rest out. Do not start or end your day watching news filled with tragic stories.

6.Re-define your purpose and vision for your life.

The purpose of your life needs to be very clear. Its who you are and how people identify you. Exercise your creativity to re-invent any part of yourself or your life.

7.Have a career that feeds you enough money for your lifestyle, pride about what you are doing, and excitement for your day.

If you feel at a stand-still in your work and career, brainstorm with people about ideas for a career shift. Dont stop searching until you find something that you feel excitement for.

8.Reach out to people and build a network of support.

If you are having a bad moment in life and doubt your worth or contribution to others, make a list of five friends and call them and ask them to tell you what you mean to them. This is a very powerful exercise. I guarantee you will never forget it.

9.Learn new skills, techniques, crafts.

There is nothing like learning something new that gives a special hopefulness for the future.


You have to take care of your body so your body can take care of you and take you where you want to go. Besidesit gives you energy and is a mood elevator.

11.Meditation and prayer.

They both have a profound affect on mental and physical health.

12.Consider adopting a pet.

Pets give us unconditional love, 24/7.

To live alone and love it, adopt any or all of the above attitudes, strategies, and ideas. Your great life is waiting for you.

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