Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Birds - Attracting Them With Flowers

In this second article about birds, bird watching and how to get them to flock to your humble abode, we're going to focus on how to get a flock of birds by planting certain flowers in your garden.

It isn't so much the flowers themselves that the birds are after but the seeds that these flowers produce. After all, this is what these birds eat and a hungry bird will never turn its back on a tasty seed. Well, there are certain flowers that produce seeds that birds are most after. We'll take a look at some of these.

Probably the most popular flower for attracting birds and the most successful is the King sunflower. Birds are absolutely crazy about sunflower seeds. That's why passionate bird feeders go out and buy bags of this stuff that are so heavy they can just about carry them.

Sunflowers themselves have become a very big business because of this. A bird flying over North or South Dakota would literally see thousands of acres of sunflowers, a very large portion of which is grown especially for bird seed. People from all over the United States buy these seeds, which makes this one of the largest industries in the Dakotas.

When planting your sunflowers at home try to plant them in an area that will get full direct sunlight. If possible try to make this also close to a window. You'll get a steady view of hungry birds coming down to feast.

If you don't want to use all your seeds in the summer and want to save some for winter to feed what birds may still be around, what you do is put a paper grocery sack over each seed head and tie it around the stem. Leave some of the flower heads uncovered so that the hungry birds will not try to peck through the paper. After the seed heads have dried cut them from the stems and place them in metal containers. This keeps the mice from getting to them. This will keep your seeds safe for winter feeding.

Other garden flowers that birds love are cosmos, snapdragon, zinnia, cockscomb, aster, and larkspur. After these flowers have bloomed don't cut off their heads. Let them dry right where they are. When winter comes your flowers will bloom again and with them will come a flock of finches and cardinals.

Now, if you're trying to attract hummingbirds the best flowers to plant are any nectar producing flowers, especially if they're red, pink or orange. Some of the hummingbird's favorites are honeysuckle, columbine, coral-bells, impatiens, foxglove, and red penstemon. In the summer, hummingbirds go crazy over scarlet bergamot, cardinal flower, hosta, gladiolus, salvia, and trumpet vine.

Hummingbirds like a nice drink with their seeds so make sure you have a bird feeder near by where they can quench their thirst. A good feeder is one that attaches to your window with suction cups. And don't worry about standing at the window when they come. They'll plop down for a drink even with you staring right at them.

So if you're into bird watching and gardening this is a good way to kill two birds with one stone. No pun intended.

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Make Money In Quick Time

For more years than I care to remember, I struggled with money. I don't anymore but I understand the difficulty of not having enough. Nobody understands when you tell them you juggled last months water bill against this months utility and you are short. No, its worse than that....they don't care.

Quick time money is money that needs to come now, today, this minute. Its important and urgent so its got to present itself quickly.

Quick time money is money created out of thin air. Its usually not a lot of money but its fast, legal and easy to get. So in the following you will not find grandiose formulas and graphs and charts on wealth generation. This practical idea will get you out of jams. Of course the best way to keep out of money-jams is to always have more than enough money in the first place. Perhaps you will find out more about what we do later. Who knows, but anyway, here is a way to put money in your pocket right this minute.

We are working on getting you $200 to $300 in a day. For somebody who is stuck, that's not a bad parachute at all.

Now, before I tell you what I suggest you do, you should know I am clinically sane and of sound mind. It may seem counter-intuitive to suggest this to you, but its sound advice.

Go shopping.

Yes I know it doesn't make sense yet so keep reading.

At the level you are at (in a negative money situation) don't expect to make your first million doing just this, but the principle is sound and can definitely lead on to a career as an opportunity investor.

You will make three transactions today.

But first you will sit down with a pen and paper and write down your interests and competencies. For example, you have always enjoyed antiques. Fine, lets start with that.

In fact, if antiques are a core competency of yours, then you should stick with that until you get to higher levels. (You wont be buying any real estate any time soon, unless you research "no money down techniques" but you can definitely rely on this whenever you are in a squeeze for some money quick)

First you are going to consider supply and demand. Two important and divergent forces in which you will play the main lead. You will be the initiator, the middle man. (My favourite place of all to be)

From the supply side, you are going to identify 3 places where antiques may possibly be sold cheap, or at least below wholesale. Do such places of supply exist? You bet. Have you ever heard of a "Don't wanner" (in plain English that's don't-want-her) item? Often they are considered junk by the owners of these yet to be discovered treasures.

Garage sales, deceased estates advertised in the local journal and classified ads are just three sources off the top of my head. I'm sure you could find another 10 if you tried.

But even before you go shopping you are going to haunt the local antique shops in your area. The reason why you will spend so much time at all of them is because you are going to say hi, introduce yourself and possibly mention that you may have some items for them. (Don't worry, they will always tell you no, we don't need any we are already overstocked as it is) its what they do. They set the tone in the negotiation 3 moves ahead. When the item is before them and they can see it, they will deal.

You are also going to spend time gauging prices, retail prices. Know that you will have to find your items at around 30% below these prices, then another margin for your profits.

There is good money to be made trading unwanted items and converting them into cash.

Even at the level we deal in, "don't wanner" houses, boats, luxury cars and even precious stones, the dollar amounts (and there fore the profits) are a lot higher. But the compounding is amazing. If only these fellows playing the stock market knew about the percentage returns available being an opportunity investor.

My Very Best to you

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