Thursday, September 27, 2007

HGH Human Growth Hormone - Danger and Benefits

It may be superfluous to elaborate on the realistic benefits of hGH. We may only observe a teenager or a twenty-something years old person to see for ourselves how youthful levels of hGh are intimately connected to health. However, scientists tell us that something grows proportional to our lack of knowledge: human growth hormone danger.

Carelessness and ignorance ~individually or combined~ may well be the culprit of hGH human growth hormone danger during supplementation. Both may take us past a safe limit imposed by nature. However, I believe that that there is a point that has not been elaborated on. I will give you a comparative example to represent that point.

If a car has transmission problems, break pads and tires are worn out, the A/C does not work as intended by the manufacturer, some light bulbs are burnt out, the electric system has a short-circuit, the alternator is not charging the battery, and the radiator is leaking so the engine is over-heating, we could change the oil; but the otherwise critical Engine Oil will not provide much benefit because that car is in desperate need of major repairs or replacement of parts needed much more urgently before an oil change provides benefits.

The same conditions occur with your body or mine.

Should your body or mine be desperately craving for nutrients from a good diet or from a formula which includes much more than Vitamins & Minerals, it does not receive quality sleep for long enough, it does not get enough water to help eliminate unwanted matter, it is exposed to a hectic life style, it is subjected to aggravations and / or preoccupations on a periodic basis, it breathes indoor air which is not renovated often enough, its muscles and respiratory system are seldom exercised correctly and for long enough, its intestines lack the much needed Friendly Bacteria, fiber and they are over loaded with matter not often evacuated, it receives prescribed or over-the-counter drugs on a regular and long-term basis, it is affected by health conditions or illnesses as a result of a neglected and weak Immune System, it is exposed to too much smoking and / or alcohol, it receives a diet deficient in nutrients.

Would you say that a body with the above conditions may get danger of hGH human growth hormone and no benefits? Of course it may. Just like the oil change in the imaginary car above, that body is in desperate need for a higher state of health. What that means is that either benefits or danger of hGH human growth hormone are ~to a meaningful extent~ dependant on favorable health conditions to be present on a long-term basis for youthful levels to be beneficial.

It leads to deduce that supplementing with hGH may not be dangerous in itself. It may turn dangerous because our body does not meet favorable conditions needed. Well before we consider supplementing with a major hormone, we must first gain knowledge in "preparing our body" to be receptive to youthful levels. Should we be wise enough, it is then likely that we avoid hGH human growth hormone danger; and gain benefits.

Our body can be rewarded from these marvels of nature, but to stay away from hGH human growth hormone danger we must be clever enough to remember that "we should first give nature what nature wants"; and what nature wants is a body receiving what nature intended it to receive. Likewise, we must ~to the extent possible~ stay away from conditions that will lessen its qualities, make it sick, and shorten its life.

About the author:

George Josserme is the Editor-in-Chief at Fountain of Wisdom.

He also is the author of Your Health Your Choice. An e-book where he makes a reader aware that there is human growth hormone danger, but it depends which side of the fence the reader positions himself on. The side of those who acquire knowledge, or the side of those ignorant on what nature mandates if he wants the benefits.

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Chinese Business Banquets

For a raucous good time, nothing beats a Chinese banquet. The Chinese love to conduct business while eating, and if you are lucky, your trip will include one of these feasts. The atmosphere is very different from a formal Western dinner. While a Chinese banquet can often seem rowdy, there is in fact a deep foundation of etiquette.

Traditionally the host sits facing the door of the private room, to allow passersby to see (and admire) him. The meal begins with a selection of appetizers such as chilled meat. Try a little of everything. Sometimes, its best not to know what you are eating.

Soon you will stand up for a toast expressing hope for great cooperation and success in your new business ventures. As you clink glasses, show respect by keeping the rim of your glass below that of your host. Returning the toast later in the meal will leave a good impression.

The Chinese phrase for a toast (Gan Bei) literally means Dry your glass, but dont do that. A sip is fine, especially if you are drinking Baijiu, the traditional Chinese liquor. Some Chinese drink a big glass of yogurt in hopes of preventing drunkenness. A better bet is just to be sensible. Being a little tipsy is ok, but it is usually bad form to get blotto.

Compliments and light talk will keep the mood friendly. Smoking is very popular, though you dont need to do it. There will be loud chewing, and it is perfectly fine to spit out bones or gristle beside your plate. A lot of food will be left uneaten. This Chinese custom shows that the host is not being stingy with you.

The relaxed, jovial atmosphere of a banquet is very well suited to doing business in China. Your meal will taste even better if you and your Chinese partners are able to reach an understanding while enjoying one of the worlds great cuisines. Gan Bei!

Peter Braden,
Marketing Specialist,

My company provides internet fax numbers for business travelers in China. An internet fax number can be a big help in setting up a China branch office. Faxing is still extremely widespread in China, and internet fax is a good way for Western business people to deal with the difference in technology levels.

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Love Affirmations - How to Utilize Love Affirmations in Your Everyday Life

Broken heart, hurt and loneliness are three perfect ingredients, which, when mixed together, make our lives dull and miserable. These three things can easily take over our lives and once part of our lives we can see nothing but unhappiness. Very little do we know that we can become happy again and learn to appreciate the feeling of love again through love affirmations. A love affirmation is a simple statement that we continually say to ourselves, which, over time, can help to bring about permanent changes in our lives.

Love affirmations help us to rediscover the love we have lost. An affirmation is a thought that we have during the day which is directly linked to our sub-consciousness. These love affirmations guide our sub-consciousness into a certain direction which can either have positive or negative effective.

To bring about a change in our lives through love affirmation we first need to start thinking positively and wave a good-bye to all our negative thoughts which leads to a unhappy life in the first place. For example instead of nobody loves me start thinking everybody loves me. The key behind reuniting with love is to start loving yourself in the first place and feel confident about you. Adopting a positive love affirmation about yourself such as I was born out of love can be very helpful in helping you regain your self esteem after a breakup or a rough fight.

Secondly change your attitude towards others. Respect their feelings and think that everyone deserves love just like you do. Once you adopt this love affirmation, love will find you. You will no longer see life as miserable but will find it to be filled with love.

Wording used in love affirmation is of great significance. Only use words that are simple and can be easily accepted by your mind, only then will power of love affirmations work. Preferably try to use word love when making use of a love affirmation. Something along the lines of I am worth loving or I will find my true love or I am committed to loving ... are all good examples of love affirmations.

Love affirmation can not only be used to find love for yourself but it is also about discovering Gods love. For example thinking I will love others as extensions of my own Self, and of the love I feel from God. will draw you nearer to God and His universal love.

Love affirmation also helps you understand your companion and builds a strong bond between couples. Even to find romance you first need to find your inner-love which can only be achieved through love affirmation.

Love affirmation can also be used to draw ourselves closer towards nature. Learn to love nature and most importantly spend time with nature more often. Try thinking about good things such as I love the smell of fresh flower or I feel refreshed.

To get used to love affirmation, note down any positive thought you have during the day maybe on a piece of card or whichever way is convenient to you. During initial stages of love affirmation technique we might get negative thoughts as well. Note these negative affirmations as well and at the end of each day try replacing them with something more fruitful thought. Review your affirmations twice a day to have a maximum effect of love affirmation. Initially it takes time to step out of a dark miserable world but once you succeed in taking a step nothing can stop you and with the help from repeated love affirmations you will ultimately stop at nothing but love.

Robert Watson is a certified hypnotherapist with the ABH and the NGH, and has worked with affirmations and subliminal messages for over ten years. Visit his website for more information about using affirmations and subliminal messages to help you lose weight, quit smoking, have a more positive outlook and more.

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How to Cut the Cost of Your Healthcare

With the cost of health care rising four times over the rate of inflation and more and more employers placing the burden for health care on their employees and retires, American's are finding it harder to maintain coverage. By investing a little of your time you can cut the cost of your healthcare.

Shop Around Once a year investigate the different health insurance providers and what they offer, see if you can get a better deal.

Read Take the time to read your policy handbook from cover to cover know exactly what it covers before you need to use it, so you are not hit with any surprises when you lease need it. If there is anything you do not understand ask your health insurance provider to explain it. Be prepared.

FREE Take advantage of yearly check ups, most health insurance policies include these in your coverage. If your health insurance does not then take advantage of free healthcare screenings offered in your local community and area. Check around and see what is out there. Also you take advantage of free flu shots.

Prescriptions Drugs When your Doctor hands you a prescription ask them for the generic form of the same drug. Call around to the drug stores in your area ask how much it will cost for the prescription. Not all drug stores are the same on price. If your healthcare plan does not cover prescription drugs and you cannot afford the medication and you fall in to the low income or senior category there may be a solution. Many drug comes will provide patients the medication free but you need your doctor to recommend you for the program. Ask your doctor about it. Also ask them for any samples of the medication.

Medical Equipment If you need medical equipment and your health plan does not cover it or the cost goes to the lifetime limit your provider will pay, you can rent or borrow them instead of buying them. A lot of people store wheelchairs, crutches and other such equipment in their basement or garages after they no longer need them. Ask family members and friends if they have any you may borrow. If you can not borrow or rent the equipment then buy it used.

Prevention A sure way to help prevent colds, flu and infection is by washing you hands often during the day especially before you eat or drink. Do not rub or touch your eyes, mouth or nose when you are out or around anyone who is ill before washing your hands. Another way to prevent getting sick is to take supplements, more and more evidence is pointing to the lack of nutrients or minerals as the cause of diseases and illness besides genetics.

Eating to stay healthy Cut back on your daily intake of sugar, red meat and caffeine. By cutting down on these three categories especially sugar and red meat will go a long way in helping you to stay health. And fight off heart disease, diabetes, inflammation, clogged arteries, obesity. Stop and think before reaching for the junk food. Remember you are what you eat.

Excise Exercise is another important part of staying health. Exercising three to four times a week for 20-30 minutes a week will improve your health and help in the prevention of illnesses.

Freelance Writer who's work has appeared in online and offline newsletters and websites.

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